I am trying to do my reading but I
can't, because I'm high.
I am taking a regular English class
so that I can take Creative Writing, which I'm beginning to think might not be
such a good idea. Writing is hard. It took me about 8 minutes to write the last
three sentences. But maybe that's just because I'm high.
The book is super whatever. It'll be
interesting at the beginning of the chapter for a minute and then there will be
fifty pages of student essays about racism and porn and the Pledge of
I've done the reading every day
until today, and today we got a pop quiz on the reading to see if we did it,
due to the dullness of our class discussions about the reading. To be honest,
until today, the dullness of the discussions was due more to the dullness of
the students in the class than our failure to do the reading. But the dullness
of the class is what prompted me to not do the reading in the first place.
I failed the quiz.